Internet Advertising

Internet Advertising

Online advertising―a promotional and marketing tool delivering marketing messages via the Internet about products or services to attract specified customers―began in the mid-1990′s during the dot-com boom, and by 2001, estimates of online advertising revenue in the United States reached $7.1 billion dollars. With businesses closely related to online advertising, such as Google, experiencing enormous

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Public Relations

Public Relations

Public relations is a communication strategy used by individuals or organizations to curry favor or interest from the general public. Applying various methods of exposure to either defend or promote their client, public relations specialists attempt to persuade customers, stakeholders, fans, employees, and other people potentially involved with the person with generally positive messages in

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The greatest goal of most businesses is to make money. This is done by increasing sales of products or services. There are many different ways available today in order to help gain sales including affiliate marketing, electronic marketing lists, network marketing, tradeshows and sales training. Affiliate marketing allows you as a business to reward affiliates

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Branding seeks to develop positive associations between the consumer and the product or service, in an attempt to persuade the consumer that the given product or service is superior to any other comparable product or service on the market.


Search Engine Optimization

Search engines are vital to the amount of hits a website can get, and to make it more accessible to the public through search engines like Google or Bing can significantly bolster the amount of visitors and possible ad revenue.


Risk management

Cost-effectively limit financial or legal liability, accidents, and other potential uncertainties which can have a large, adverse effect on a company’s bottom line.



Many companies, in an effort to focus their resources on their core competencies, outsource certain internal business processes or other peripheral or specialized processes to third-party contractors.